100 dollar startup



브라이언 리뷰

제목: The $100 Startup
저자: Chris Guillebeau
브라이언 요약:

  1. 다른 사람을 위한 인생을 살지말고 내 사업해라.
  2. 좋아하는 일로 사업하는 방법이 있다.
  3. 남을 도와주라.

Brian's Input

  • 온라인으로 내도 좋아하고 남에게 도움이 되는 (문제해결하는) 창업하라.
  • Info Product (ebook) / Online Courses / Private label / Affiliate Products / Consulting Service
  • 웹사이트 만들줄 알아야 한다.
  • 온라인 광고 할 줄 알야야 한다.
  • Take Action.


[해외도서] The $100 Startup Hardback, Crown Businss


브라이언 노트:

2012년 출판
Prologue: Manifesto
Part 1. Unexpected Entrepreneurs
1. Renaissance

  • Model: 1. Follow your passion model 2. low startup cost less than $1,000 3. At least $50,000 a year in net income. 4. No special Skill 5.  Full financial disclosure 6. Fewer than five employees
  • Mattress deliver on a bike story : Video
  • Opening Internet-based businesses
  • Micro-entrepreneurship
  • Passion into profit. Freedom is possible.
  • Lesson 1: Convergence
  • Lesson 2: Skill Transformation
  • Lesson 3: The Magic Formula
  • 1. Product or service: what you well. 2. People willing to pay for it: your customer 3. A way to get paid

2. Give them the fish

  • Value: something desirable and of worth, created through exchange or effort.
  • Value means helping people.
  • The best approach is to sell what people buy. Think more about what people really want than about what you think they need.
  • If you make your business about helping others, you will always have plenty of work.
  • To figure out what people want and then find a way to give it to them.

3. Follow your passion...Maybe

  • Passion + skill > problem + marketplace = opportunity
  • Not every passion or hobby is worth building into a business, and not everyone will want to have a business that is based on a passion or hobby.
  • A specialized consulting business in a one day - the more specific, the better.

4. The rise of the roaming entrepreneur

  • What do you want to do?

5. The New Demographics

  • Who are they? Where are they and how do you find them?
  • Focus on getting to know your people.
  • Old-school marketing is based on persuasion; new marketing is based on invitation.
  • Find out what people want and find a way to give it to them.
  • Use surveys to understand customers and prospects.

Part 2. Taking it to the streets
6. The one-page business plan

  • Get the first sale as soon as possible.
  • How can I get my first sale?
  • The 140 character mission statement

7. An offer you can't refuse

  • You must learn to think about value the way your customers do, not necessarily the way you would do like them to.
  • FAQ, Guarantee, and Overdelivery
  • Give them more than they expected.

8. Launch!

  • Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins "Fire sales" "everything must go"
  • Copywriting matters.
  • A good launch is like a Hollywood movie.
  • Why should people care about your offer now?

9. Hustling: The gentle art of self-promotion

  • Talk and Work: both are important.
  • spend 50% on creating and 50% on connection

10. Show me the money

  • The primary goal is to make money.
  • How can you get creative about finding what you need?

Part 3. Leverage and next steps
11. Moving on up

  • How to Increase income? Increase traffic. increase conversion. increase average sales price.
  • Create a hall of fame. institute a new upsell. encourage referrals. hold a contest. alternatively, make a big deal.
  • The key lesson in all these ideas is to always be experimenting.

12. How to franchise yourself

  • Outsourcing, affiliate recruitment, and partnerships.

13. Going long

  • A business that is scalable is both teachable and valuable. If you ever want to sell your business, you will need to build  teams and reduce owner dependency.

14. But what if I fail?

  • Advice can be helpful, but you can also just step out and take a big leap.
  • Don't wait for someone to give you permission.
  • The biggest battle is against our own fear and inertia.
  • Don't wast your time living someone else's life.


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