버디프레스 활성화 이메일이 전송되지 않습니다


a) 버디프레스 플러그인 폴더로 간다.


b) 파일을 변경한다.‘core-user-registration’ and ‘core-user-registration-with-blog’

	'core-user-registration' => array(
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
			'post_title'   => __( '[{{{site.name}}}] Activate your account', 'buddypress' ),
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
			'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate.url}}}\">{{{activate.url}}}</a>", 'buddypress' ),
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
                        'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account, go to the following link: {{{activate.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
		'core-user-registration-with-blog' => array(
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
			'post_title'   => __( '[{{{site.name}}}] Activate {{{user-site.url}}}', 'buddypress' ),
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
			'post_content' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: <a href=\"{{{activate-site.url}}}\">{{{activate-site.url}}}</a>.\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at <a href=\"{{{user-site.url}}}\">{{{user-site.url}}}</a>.", 'buddypress' ),
			/* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
			'post_excerpt' => __( "Thanks for registering!\n\nTo complete the activation of your account and site, go to the following link: {{{activate-site.url}}}\n\nAfter you activate, you can visit your site at {{{user-site.url}}}.", 'buddypress' ),



a) Dashboard > Tools > Buddypress
b) Reinstall emails 선택하고 Repair Items 버튼을 누른다.




Buddypres Mail

// Set BP to use wp_mail
add_filter( 'bp_email_use_wp_mail', '__return_true' );
// Set messages to HTML for BP sent emails.
add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', function( $default ) {
if ( did_action( 'bp_send_email' ) ) {
return 'text/html';
return $default;
} );
// Use HTML template
function( $content, $property, $transform, $bp_email ) {
if ( ! did_action( 'bp_send_email' ) ) {
return $content;
return $bp_email->get_template( 'add-content' );